Following her talk at Café Connect on the future of culture last June, Catherine has been once again invited by CultuurConnect, this time to be featured as one of the guests in CultuurConnect’s podcast series “Aan het woord”.
“Together with techie and entrepreneur Wouter Van den Bosch and futurist Catherine Van Holder, we think about the future in the last episode of our podcast series. What evolutions do they see approaching us? How can a cultural center respond to this in the (near) future?”
Zero Waste /
It appears “zero waste” is moving towards maturity in the Gardner cycle..
War, a network phenomenon? /
“The historical patterns of war seem to imply that the long peace may be substantially more fragile than proponents believe.”
Read more at MIT Technology Review
toekomsten van de delende stad /
Morgen te gast bij Antwerp Management School, voor een workshop over de toekomst van de deeleconomie, powered by Stadslab2050. We verkennen de toekomst door middel van 3 verschillende toekomstscenario’s: a/ urbis communalis, b/ urbis publico, c/ urbis mundi
Human Focus /
Interesting article on why a humanist perspective is invaluable in high technology development.
"In order to develop human enhancement technologies (think: brain-computer interfaces eg.), a model of what is considered “the human” is required."
Beyond Left and Right /
Imagine, one day, as a society, we'd evaluate people not on the content of their opinions, but on the toxicity of their communication style and interactions.. #beyondleftandright #superdiversity #meta #futuresanthropology
- nice one:
Fractals, consciousness and complexity /
“Being fractal is a way for a system to be in touch with itself, talking to itself, but not locked in,” Goldberger says. “You can’t exist if you’re fixed at one frequency, but if you’re all over the place, that also doesn’t fly."
Very reminiscent of Daniel Siegels' complexity science based definition of "mental health". Whereas he believes "a human being is a complex system, striving to complexity", mental health can be defined as a "self-organized process that enables a person, or a relationship or a group to continually move toward maximal complexity. Unresolved trauma creates impairment to this striving and leads to either chaos or rigidity".
Evolutionary Pathways /
beautiful (long) read..
"All of the characters started out with clear, and clashing, identities (...). But I learned that they were all much more complicated, unpredictable, and fluid than they appeared at first, even to themselves."
New Rituals /
mooi.. (en ook, fijn te zien dat er steeds meer aandacht gaat naar creativiteit loslaten op things that really matter)
Biosynthetic Futures /
"The lamp is made out of yeast and modified bacteria that glows without electricity. What if we don’t need electricity in the future?"
Thinking through Prototyping /
Make in order to think better… #pantopicon
Hack Belgium /
Last week I featured as a future expert during Hack Belgium, a three-day laboratory for the future. For the event about 1000 participants convened at the Tour & Taxis site in Brussels to hack together a series of game-changing solutions to 14 societal and systemic challenges across a variety of thematic areas such as mobility, healthcare and education. Experts took part to boost the level of innovation with their domain-specific know-how, relevant to the targeted systemic challenges.
Future Of Love /
Welcome to the future.. #BeyondBoxes #FrameworksOfTheFuture #BeyondTaboo
"The entire debate about sexual orientation is based on a fundamental misconception. The assertion that everyone is naturally straight becomes impossible when we recognize that sexual orientation lies on a continuum. The present study challenges the widely held belief that more than 90% of the population is straight, with a much smaller percentage gay or bisexual."
Knowledge, Evolution & the Essential Tension /
"The findings address what philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn famously called "the essential tension" between tradition and innovation in scientific research. (...) The hotspot may emerge from efforts to reconcile new modes of thought with older ones. You're seeing a balancing between legacy language and emerging language. They're doing the work of thinking how those studies come together."
Future Of Cities /
And done for today.. #workaholic
Morgen met de stad antwerpen op toekomstverkenning. #sneakpeek
Holon & Future Of Governance /
Sneak peek into a soon to finish project..
Building Empathy Through Mixed Reality /
Technological prosthetics for the imagination #empathy #mixedreality
Big Data Politics /
If there's anything you read today, it should be this.. #seriously #BigData #Politics
"But what could happen, Kosinski asked himself, if someone misused his search engine in order to manipulate people? His scientific work began to come with warnings: these prediction techniques could be used in ways that “pose a threat to an individual’s well-being, freedom, or even life.” But no one seemed to understand what he meant.
Post Truth Worlds /
“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”
― George Orwell, 1984
Post-Trump Societies & Futures Studies /
work in progress.. #futures #governance #nextdeadline #boldclaims