We are moving into a landscape where art and science, design and engineering are inseparable. At their intersection lies the new creative laboratory for the future of our narrative practices.
— Alex McDowell


Keynotes and lectures on a diversity of futures related topics at conferences, events, universities, companies, etc. with the aim to introduce and teach a futures mindset or to inspire, ignite debate and fuel imagination.


(Co-creative) future(s) processes aimed at exploring or envisioning (a multitude of) possible, plausibel or preferable futures for your organization or a topic of interest. Whether part of longterm strategic (policy) planning, to identify innovation potential, as a source of agenda-setting,….


In addition to Applied Futures Studies, a part of our time is devoted to Academic Futures Research, with an emphasis on the value and use of Complexity Science for Futures Studies.


A deep dive in and/or (re)frame of a wicked problem manifesting itself at the core of your organization or domain, either to enrich debate or to create shared understanding, agenda-setting or a basis for decision making.


The creation of future worlds and curation of futures artefacts to be used within the context of an expo, with the aim to spark imagination, to fuel debates and to broaden the mind.


Addressing big societal issues with design, thereby opening up new perspectives on wicked problems and creating spaces for debate on alternative future(s) realities.


Living on the edge of tomorrow, delving into new realities by setting up real life experiments. Design thinking & prototyping applied to real life. Since exploring futures doesn't need to be a headtrip.