In a bold move to combine vintage coolness with a vision of the future, Swedish artist Jacob Munkhammar created the Flying Citroen Cars Series. A creative series which transforms old Citroen cars into flying vehicles.
And if you get stuck how do you get unstuck? /
Eton college, alma mater to many of the British establishment including the serving Prime Minister and the mayor of London, has partnered with Emerge Venture Lab, a London-based accelerator, to support educational technology, or 'edtech' start-ups.
One type of innovative ideas that they are particularly interested in, is linked in to a structural aspect they believe is an important aspect of their job (albeit one existing education technology startups have not yet examined in detail): learning students to grow up and dealing with life's ups and downs.
As Unstuck App reveals, the development of innovative (technological) ideas linked to providing 'emotional developmental support' is not limited to the traditional education context only.